
måndag 10 november 2008

Dagens E-mail

Det är skönt att starta veckan med en rejäl ego boost! Jag är tydligen populär, inte bara i mitt hemland Sverige, utan ävenm internationellt! Runt om i världens alla avkrokar hör man talas om min förträfflighet och fantastiska person. Mailen avlöser varandra med en icke sinande intensitet. Här är det senast i raden av beundrarpost:

Hello from lizzy,

How are you? My name is lizzy 25 years old girl from Guinea Bissau. I am tall and in fair in complexion,I am loving, romantic and caring angel. I got your contact from yahoo trust search when i was searching for a foreign partner who will help me.Truely your profill is quiet intresting to me then,i decide to contact you.
I really want to have a good relationship with you. Beside i have a special something i want to discusse with you, So your can reach me through this Email

Hope to hear from you soon. i will send my beautiful pictures to you and also tell you more about my self. I know age will not be a bearier to our relationship, what i need is just your love and caring. I will give you my best, bye for now.
Kiss and love from lizzy.